Hello guys, some of you were probably wondering why we have so much inactive and pending members right now
I've pmed them, telling them they have until the beginning of July to get activ and enventually , pay the fee.
why ?
1) Inactive users are those who you probbaly have never seen posting in any chat topic nor in forum
2) they might not even have registered on the guild forum
3) guild has not been paid during the week
but, there I think, I've been VERY kind
I know we're all very busy right now ( exams , etc.. ) so I allowed them to stay.
Our Goal ( Tibo and I ) is not to make the biggest guild on Jsp, but to make a nice, respected and friendly guild, full of activ players who are sharing same interests and who like to stay together, talk, play, etc...
so concerning those members, if there're not inprovement during the next weeks, I'll start kicking people out of the guild at the beginning of July.
I totally agree with the fact that you might be away for several days or for irl issues. But, I'd like to be informed at first about that
, you can pm Tibo or I, even some members who are great and willing to help
thanks for reading this guys, I just wanted to keep you all informed about what's going on here